According to the National Recreation and Park Association, June 12th is Family Fitness Day! This is a special day that helps promote health within our community, in addition to promoting the importance of parks and recreation within our community! With all of the parks that the Scottsdale/North Phoenix area has to offer, there are tons of areas to get outside with the family and get some activity in. A few parks that are local are the Sonoran Hills Park, Grayhawk Park, and Thompson Peak Park. Not only those, but there are tons of others as one heads down into more central Scottsdale. Now, of course, with weather permitting (we all know how June weather can be *wipes off sweat*), we can plan for earlier morning or later evening activities to avoid the sun beating down on us as we try to move around with the family. We just need to ensure that we are hydrated and adequately fueled for activity to make sure we are in the best position to enjoy getting that activity in. With that being said, one of the best parts about health and fitness, is it doesn’t always have to be a workout, per say. Instead, we can increase our health and fitness by doing things as simple as going for walks in the park, playing catch, shooting some hoops, playing with the dogs (or other animals!), or anything of the sort! So in short, let’s all make it a plan, let’s all get together with some friends, family, and/or loved ones, and get some fun activity in, all in celebration of health and fitness day!